The new masterpiece from Studio Halfeye (Mr Takashima san) is called Dai-Sword. This mecha can be transformed in humanoid, weapon and beast mode. Like every perfect change the kit is very expensive due to high quality parts, paint, complicated transformation, etc. Every single piece has assembled by hand in Japan. The mecha comes form an Japanease manga unknow in my country.
I love every time i open a box of a SHE mecha with his characteristic smell of fresh paint.
This time Mr Takashima, like bonus, has included a little dai-sword in gold color in every box bought directly in his factory. The mecha has been released in Japan some months ago but only now has arrived to me from a friend.
In this period have not time to transform the dai-word in mecha and dragob mode so for now i can admire it in this original "sword" mode. The sword seems really real and it is high. you can see a pic with a lighter near the dai-sword.
The Dai-Sword in weapon mode on his support |
The Beast mode on manual |